Sunday, January 16, 2005

LG Develops T-DMB Broadcast Mobile Phone with Tensilica

LG Electronics is using Tensilica's "Xtensa" configurable processor core to deliver the world's first mobile phone capable of receiving digital broadcast signals. Compatible with the "Terrestrial digital-multimedia-broadcast" (T-DMB) system, a broadcast system currently being rolled out in Korea, the new mobile phone is powered by a digital media processor which was designed using the Tensilica Xtensa processor core and design environment.

The new LG phone allows consumers to watch television programs, while using normal dialing functions simultaneously. T-DMB broadcast services in Korea are expected to be rolled out in the first half of 2005. LG is working to establish the Korean T-DMB standard as a global standard.

Tensilica said its new SOC can also be applied to notebook computers, PDAs and car terminals, speeding the adoption of the T-DMB standard.