Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Data Connection Collaborates with UNH-IOL on Routing Test

Data Connection Limited (DCL) is collaborating with the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) in the lab's development of its first Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) routing test suite. The UNH-IOL, which relied on Data Connection's DC-ISIS routing software, is using the IS-IS test suite to offer interoperability and standards conformance testing to the industry at large via membership within its IP Routing Consortium.

DC-ISIS is a fully portable, source code solution that implements full mandatory IS-IS protocol support, including ISO 10589 and RFC 1195. DC-ISIS fits into the same architectural framework as DCL's other IP Routing protocol products (including DC-OSPF and DC-BGP) and can be integrated with DC-MPLS to provide a control plane solution for TE routers, or can be used on its own or with third-party products. http://www.dataconnection.com