Wednesday, October 13, 2004

FCC Clears Spectrum for Advanced Wireless Services in 1710-1755 MHz Band

The FCC allocated spectrum to allow Federal operations to be cleared from spectrum that has been allocated for advanced wireless services (AWS). The action is an important step towards the future auction of 90 MHz of spectrum for AWS.

The Commission previously allocated the 1710-1755 MHz (1.7 GHz) and 2110 2155 MHz (2.1 GHz) bands for AWS. The 1.7 GHz band was transferred from the Federal Government for private sector use, but Federal operations at certain locations were to remain in this spectrum indefinitely. The U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration ("NTIA"), working with the Department of Defense and other Federal agencies, developed a set of proposals to clear this spectrum so that it could be made available.