Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Verizon Launches National Transparent LAN Service

Verizon is launching a National Transparent LAN Service (TLS) that provides point-to-point connectivity between customer sites over a shared backbone infrastructure. Verizon National TLS, which is aimed at enterprises that currently purchase metro Ethernet connectivity from Verizon, is available in 18 bandwidth options ranging from 10 Mbps to 600 Mbps. Traffic is carried over Verizon's Enterprise Advance national network using MPLS.

The new service is available now in select Northeast and mid-Atlantic areas and will expand through the summer to Verizon markets in the South and West, ultimately reaching 35 major markets across the United States.

The local version of the switched Ethernet service, Transparent LAN Service, is currently available in 56 major markets throughout Verizon's traditional service territory. http://www.verizon.com

  • In May, Verizon launched a long-haul IP VPN service aimed at large business, education and government customers. The launch is part of Verizon's Enterprise Advance initiative.

  • In April, Verizon announced the completion of its national IP MPLS backbone, which provides the basis for its "Enterprise Advance" growth initiative. Since announcing the Enterprise Advance growth initiative in November 2002, Verizon has completed construction on nine regional rings connecting the company's local networks and launched national services. The MPLS network consists of some 200 routers deployed in 56 markets. The core network has routers in 13 cities across the country. Verizon operates a Cisco Powered Network.

  • Verizon is using Fujitsu's FLASHWAVE 7600 regional WDM system, FLASHWAVE 7200 transponders, and FLASHWAVE 4500 core transport MSPP system for the nine regional rings in the national network serving its Enterprise Advance initiative. Fujitsu's FLASHWAVE 4500 MSPP platform was also used extensively throughout the network as a Multi-Service Provisioning Platform (MSPP) to provide advanced services, like Ethernet over SONET, and aggregate traffic generated from Enterprise Advance business. Verizon is also using Fujitsu's FLASHWAVE 4500 core transport system, the FLASHWAVE 4300 aggregation system and the FLASHWAVE 4100 access system in their regulated network.