Sunday, June 27, 2004

CableLabs Completes Latest Certification Round

CableLabs awarded qualified status to a DOCSIS 2.0 cable modem termination system (CMTS) from Arris. CableLabs also announced three more DOCSIS 2.0 cable modems had achieved certified status, that it had recertified five other DOCSIS 2.0 modems, and that it had qualified two DOCSIS 1.1 CMTSs. Ambit, Cisco-Linksys, and Thomson were certified for DOCSIS 2.0 modems. Conexant, Motorola and Scientific-Atlanta received re-certifications. ADC and Motorola were qualified for DOCSIS 1.1 CMTSs.

In addition, CableLabs has awarded CableHome 1.1 certified status to two devices from Cisco-Linksys. The announcement followed the recent conclusion of a certification wave. The CableHome 1.1 specification adds residential gateway security features, introduces standardized prioritized quality-of-service (QoS) for home local area networks (LANs), and adds support for home servers, telecommuters and home