Sunday, May 23, 2004

Seranoa's Service Concentrators Address T1 Backhaul Congestion

Seranoa Networks, a start-up based in Boxborough, Massachusetts, introduced a new family of Service Edge Concentrators designed to reduce the number of backhaul circuits used to deliver T1-based packet and TDM services to business subscribers over current SONET/SDH metro access networks. Seranoa said the by leveraging IP at the edge of a metro network its platforms could increase access bandwidth efficiency two-to-five fold, resulting in a significant reduction in operational costs. However, unlike other TDM-over-IP architectures, Seranoa's design peels off the packetized traffic but lets TDM flow through in native format.

Seranoa's new IPeX Service Edge Concentrators are packet-aware switching platforms that could be deployed in a central office or collocation (co-lo) facility. The IPeX 200 performs IP-aware Layer 2 switching to multiplex and aggregate T1/T3-based IP/VoIP subscriber packet services onto standard clear-channel T3 (DS3) backhaul circuits. It offers 12 channelized or clear-channel T3 (DS3) interfaces, up to four of which can be configured as T3 (DS3) trunks with the remaining configured as IP subscriber interfaces.

A larger IPeX 400 provides the same IP-aware Layer 2 switching benefits and also supports TDM DS0 grooming capabilities of a wideband 3/1/0 Digital Cross-Connect System (DCS) to optimize the delivery of traditional TDM services. The IPeX 400 offers 12 channelized or clear-channel T3s (DS3s) and up to two Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. It can be used to multiplex IP subscriber traffic with simultaneous grooming and aggregation of TDM voice and non-IP data onto shared backhaul links. Seranoa said this approach enables major improvements in SONET bandwidth efficiency and significantly reducing carrier backhaul costs for IP, TDM or integrated IP/TDM service delivery.

  • Seranoa was founded in 2000 and has raised $25 million in financing from St. Paul Venture Capital, YankeeTek Ventures, FA Technology Ventures and Advent International.

  • Seranoa is headed by Graham Pattison, who previously was President and CEO of Verilink Corp. The company was founded by Paul Kelley, who previously was also a founder and Vice President of Engineering of Net2Net (acquired in 1998 by Visual Networks).