Net2Phone and Quintum agreed to jointly market Net2Phone's VoIP enterprise services with Quintum's Tenor VoIP MultiPath Switches and gateways. Under the multi-year agreement, Net2Phone and Quintum will integrate VoIP services with enterprise VoIP MultiPath Switches and market the solution as a bundled telephony offering. The bundle will include a configuration "wizard" that can be used with new models of Tenor VoIP equipment to simplify the user experience and allow customers to easily set their gateways to offer low-cost calling over the Net2Phone network.
Quintum boasts 250,000 IP ports already deployed. It claims a distribution group of over 200 resellers spanning 70 countries. http://www.net2phone.com
Monday, March 29, 2004
Net2Phone and Quintum Join Forces for Enterprise Solutions
Monday, March 29, 2004
Packet Systems