Thursday, February 19, 2004

TIA Marks One Year Anniversary of FCC's Triennial Review

The pick-up in economic activity among broadband access suppliers is a result of the FCC's vote one year ago to approve a report and order in its Triennial Review of the Network Unbundling Rules proceeding, according to the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA). The FCC decision included significant relief from the unbundling rules for investment in last mile broadband access facilities. However, TIA observed that uncertainty remains from the ongoing court challenges to the order and pending reconsiderations.

Matthew J. Flanigan, president of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), said "As we predicted a year ago today, the broadband unbundling relief the commission provided is having a significant impact on investment in the telecommunications industry. Our member company suppliers began seeing increased orders for their broadband access equipment almost immediately after the vote, and it has picked up steam as service providers expand their networks and improve their offerings. The enormous momentum packet and IP communications have achieved also can be attributed in part to incentives to deploy next-generation infrastructure without the burdensome requirement of sharing those new facilities...."

"Without question, a regulatory framework that rewards investment in new and innovative technologies is critical as the United States tries to reverse the course of losing ground in the global race to build next-generation networks."