Tuesday, February 3, 2004

TIA Calls for Regulatory Restraint on VoIP

The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) issued a call for a national policy on VoIP and pleaded for regulatory restraint. TIA basic position is that regulation should not be applied to VoIP without thorough justification that it is necessary as a matter of public policy.

"We believe that a single federal policy for VoIP regulation is a must and, in fact, the nature of the technology demands such an approach. A patchwork of regulatory obligations across the states would threaten the continued rise of these new, dynamic and competition-enhancing applications. Further, even regulation at the FCC level should be very minimal and resist the urge to simply apply the inapplicable rules that have governed the legacy telephone networks," said TIA President Matthew J. Flanigan. http://www.tiaonline.org