Aiirnet Wireless will provide wireless broadband Internet service in Cerritos, California using 802.11/Wi-Fi technology. Under an agreement with the City of Cerritos, Aiirnet will use city owned facilities to provide its Aiirlink wireless community broadband services to citizens of Cerritos, as well as to the City of Cerritos itself. Pricing for the service will be comparable to wireline broadband access alternatives with a variety of service plans. As of January, the entire 8.6 square mile area of Cerritos will be activated for high-speed outdoor wireless Internet access. The company will also be adding additional transmitters to allow individual neighborhoods to receive in-house wireless broadband. Cerritos is a community of 50,000 people that does not have citywide access for DSL or cable modem broadband.
Monday, December 1, 2003
Aiirnet Wireless to Offer Broadband Wireless Service in California City
Monday, December 01, 2003