Monday, October 6, 2003

Redline Debuts its IEEE 802.16a System

Redline Communications, a start-up based in Toronto, introduced an IEEE 802.16a broadband wireless system. Redline said its WiMax platform is based on an advanced form of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), combined with several novel technologies, to support operations in partial and complete non-line-of-sight deployment conditions. The platform is configurable for either point-to-multipoint or point-to-point deployments and is suited to both backhaul and high capacity access applications. It will be available at 3.5 GHz in Q1 2004, supporting ranges beyond 80 km and delivering data and real-time applications, including voice and video, with spectral efficiency of 5 bits/second/Hertz (e.g. 70 Mbps in a 14 MHz channel).