Sunday, September 7, 2003

Spirent to Develop Remote Network Testing for Alcatel ASAM

Spirent Communications will integrated its remote test capabilities into the widely-deployed Alcatel 7300/7301 Advanced Services Access Manager (ASAM). A remote test probe in combination with Operations Support System (OSS) software allows service providers to carry out remote tests to determine the nature and location of a customer's service problem.

As part of the development, Alcatel is providing an interface to its 7300/7301ASAM, while Spirent is producing test hardware that conducts the actual circuit testing. This hardware -- in the form of a compact module -- plugs into and is contained within the ASAM. To activate testing on circuits served by the ASAM, the service provider uses Spirent's REACT remote test Operations Support System (OSS) software to select circuits, initiate tests and report results. Support for additional element types is currently under investigation.

Spirent said this approach helps reduce the need for expensive field dispatches, speeds the repair of an affected circuit, and helps shrink the provider's overall capital and operational expenses.