Monday, June 23, 2003

Top Layer Debuts New Family of ASIC-based Security Switches

Top Layer Networks, a start-up based in Westboro, Massachusetts, announced a new family of ASIC-based access control security switches for wired and wireless networks. Top Layer's Secure Controller switches force users to authenticate themselves prior to gaining any network access. Top Layer's idea is to help networks stay secure even in those locations where physical security is not sufficient to prevent unauthorized access, such as university classrooms and computer labs, common work areas at hospitals, and within enterprises at conference rooms, open cubicles, and visitor lounges. The Secure Controller family consists of a Secure Edge Controller and Secure Core Controller. The Secure Edge Controller is designed to be installed at or near the edge of the network to ensure that unauthorized traffic from wireless and wired access networks is intercepted before it has a chance to enter the network core. The Secure Core Controller is designed to be installed at points within the network where large numbers of users access the network through the unit.