Monday, June 23, 2003

Consumer Electronics Companies Form Digital Home Working Group

Seventeen consumer electronics, computer, and mobile companies have formed a new Digital Home Working Group (DHWG) dedicated to the simplified sharing of digital content among networked devices. The vision is to establish content interoperability, based on open industry standards, between PCs, TVs, set-top boxes, printers, stereos, mobile phones, PDAs, DVD players, digital projectors and other devices. The Digital Home Working Group will endorse a baseline of interoperability standards and then promote a set of programs to communicate the benefits of the digital home to consumers. These programs will including certification, compliance logos, and marketing initiatives. Founding members include Fujitsu, Gateway, HP, Intel, IBM, Kenwood, Lenovo, Matsushita Electric (Panasonic), Microsoft, NEC CustomTechnica, Nokia, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, STMicroelectronics and Thomson.