Sunday, June 1, 2003

Catena Networks Tunes its Broadband Loop Carrier for Fiber Deployments

Catena Networks, a start-up based in Kanata, Ontario, introduced a hybrid copper/fiber local access solution for carriers planning to augment their existing networks with new Fiber-to-the-Neighborhood (FTTN) deployments. The solution consists of new Optical Line Cards (OLCs) and Optical Network Units (ONUs) for Catena's CN1000 Broadband Loop Carrier Remote Terminal. Each Optical Line Card supports four ONUs via fiber connections. Catena's Optical Network Unit extends the POTS+ADSL loop electronics from the CN1000 Broadband Loop Carrier Remote Terminal closer to end-users. This enables carriers to deliver high bandwidth services in greenfield neighborhoods, broadband overbuild applications and remote, low-density rural locations. Each ONU supports 24 ports of integrated POTS+ADSL, narrowband special services and G.SHDSL, and is engineered to support VDSL. Catena's Fiber-to-the-X solutions are compliant with the International Telecommunication Union's G.983 series standards for Broadband Passive Optical Networks (BPONs), and Telcordia's GR-909 requirements for Fiber-in-the-Loop (FITL) access systems.