Monday, June 2, 2003

Bell Labs Sets Its Sights on Services

Bell Labs will focus more of its efforts on solving the direct technical issues of Lucent's customers. The increased direct customer interaction is expected to enhance the field support capabilities of Lucent Worldwide Services (LWS) and shorten product development cycles for new technologies being developed inside the lab. An example of Bell Labs' efforts includes a "Bandwidth Recovery" research
service that will help carriers recover stranded capacity in their SONET/SDH, ATM and MPLS/IP networks. Specifically, Bell Labs is developing algorithms code-named Mobius for optimizing existing SONET/SDH infrastructure. Another bandwidth recovery technology, known as iOptimize, performs MPLS and ATM optimization by using network engineering software. Mascot, a third Bell Labs technology targeted at services, employs a collection of algorithms to reduce network-switching overhead. Bell Labs is also working on carrier service research in the areas of distributed denial of service (DDoS) Internet attack prevention, bandwidth migration, database reconciliation, Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route stabilization, and operations optimization.

  • Bell Labs was founded in 1925. Its long list of communications breakthroughs includes transistors, lasers, cellular telephony, communications satellites, the Unix operating system and digital encryption. Eleven scientists have received the Nobel Prize for their work at Bell Labs.