As a second phase in its Ethernet-over-SDH strategy, Tellabs is adding Layer 2 switching and guaranteed QoS to its next-generation Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) portfolio. The new and enhanced Tellabs 6300 uses MPLS to deliver managed Layer 2 Virtual Private Networks (VPN) services using SDH. The Tellabs 6300 also features Generic Framing Procedure (GFP), Virtual Concatenation (VCX) and Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) resiliency. Tellabs said the Layer 2 switching functionality enables network operators to build large Ethernet networks over long distances. Services could include Ethernet VPNs or Ethernet Private Lines for Internet access, business intranets, VoIP and video. Using LCAS in the Tellabs 6300 series, operators can resize the capacity of links in the transport network at any time without interrupting traffic, thereby allowing them to scale Ethernet service bandwidth instantly as required. LCAS also offers resiliency against network failure, and can enable network efficiency to be doubled by utilizing the redundant bandwidth reserved by traditional SDH protection. The Tellabs 6300 will be available this quarter.
- In September 2002, Tellabs outlined a three phased, next generation Ethernet-over-SDH transport strategy. As a first step, Tellabs added Ethernet capabilities to its Tellabs 6300 product line. Specifically, Tellabs added Gigabit Ethernet interfaces to the Tellabs 6340 switch node and Fast Ethernet capabilities to the Tellabs 6310 edge node, the Tellabs 6320 edge node and the Tellabs 6340 switch node. These interfaces map Ethernet traffic into VC-12 or VC-4 containers in the SDH network using virtual concatenation. This enables carriers to offer virtual private leased lines scaling from 2 Mbps to 1 Gbps.
The third phase of Tellabs' next-gen SDH strategy will incorporate the functionality of GMPLS to engage SDH transport network resources in intelligent traffic engineering.