Sunday, May 4, 2003

MPLS/Frame Relay Alliance Advances Technical Specs

In its first quarterly meeting, the newly merged MPLS/Frame Relay Alliance approved new technical work items addressing SONET over MPLS and HDLC over MPLS and formulated several technical contributions to ITU-T Study Group 17 related to Frame Relay over MPLS.

  • SONET over MPLS will provide SONET circuit connection over MPLS packet networks, allowing providers to converge on one network infrastructure for multiple services.

  • HDLC over MPLS will provide HDLC service over MPLS packet networks allowing the transport of HDLC framed data over MPLS.

  • Both items build upon the technology developed in the IETF PWE3 working group. In addition to its current work items, the Alliance voted to send a liaison to the Metro Ethernet Forum to update that organization on the Alliance's work addressing Frame Relay/ATM/Ethernet Service Interworking and any-to-any type services over MPLS.