Tuesday, May 27, 2003

AT&T Introduces New Recovery, Availability Services

AT&T introduced new, integrated recovery, availability and reliability services to help businesses meet recent regulatory and legislative requirements for certain business sectors (particularly financial services and health care) to implement more comprehensive risk mitigation plans. The new services include:

AT&T StorageConnect Service, which enables clients to extend their remote replication, backup and multi-vendor SAN between their premises and/or AT&T Internet Data Centers (IDCs), over any distance, virtually any bandwidth and storage protocol. The service offers bandwidth choices from 10 Mbps to 1 Gbps, and supports Fiber Channel, Enterprise System Connection (ESCON) and/or Fiber Connectivity (FICON) protocols.

AT&T Direct Control allows hosting customers to remotely and securely access their servers, located in AT&T's U.S.-based Internet Data Centers (IDCs), using an Internet browser. AT&T Direct Control empowers clients to set thresholds for warning and alarm notification, view and receive real-time alarm notification, and access business-oriented dashboard views with drill down capability, indicating a near real time status of all clients' monitored elements.