Analog Devices expanded its broadband access portfolio with four new products for ADSL central office (CO) and customer premises equipment (CPE) applications. The new silicon includes a highly-integrated chipset for ADSL bridges, routers and WLAN access points; a 16-point central office solution supporting the emerging high-speed ADSL2+ standard; a chipset for cost-sensitive routers; and an analog front end (AFE) component of ADI's CPE chipsets The new 16-port central office chipset represents Analog Devices seventh generation of DSL silicon. The chip is fully ADSL2+ (ITU standard G.992.5) compliant, thus supporting data rates of up to 24 Mbps. ADSL2+ is backward-compatible with existing ADSL technology.
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
Analog Devices Introduces its Seventh Generation ADSL Silicon
Wednesday, May 21, 2003